JPLGC Web Site Marquee

Table of Contents
To Marquee or Not To Marquee
How To Modify The "marquee.txt" File
PHP Marquee Insertion Code


A scrolling marquee is available on the JPLCG web site.

To Marquee or Not To Marquee

To remove the marquee completely, rename the "marquee.txt" file. Do not delete it. You may want to restore it later.

To modify the marquee, modify the "marquee.txt" file. The new information will be displayed the next time a JPLCG web page is accessed.

How To Modify The "marquee.txt" File

The following is a typical "marquee.txt" file.

  <div id="marquee1">
    <marquee scrolldelay="12" behavior="scroll" scrollamount="1"
             direction="left" truespeed="true" loop="infinite"
             onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()">

    <i>What's new:</i>

    JPLGC Meeting Moved to July 8 Because of the Holliday

    &nbsp; | &nbsp;
    CMP Rifle Shoot June 19


To delete a messages, delete the message text and what preceeds it.

To add a message, add the message text to the list of messsges. If it is the first message, preceeded it with "&nbsp;". if it is not the first message preceed it with "&nbsp; | &nbsp;".

Note: The id selector "marquee1" is defined in the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) "jplgc.css".

PHP Marquee Insertion Code

The following is the PHP code in the "index.php" file that inserts the marquee into the output web page.


    if (file_exists('marquee.txt'))



This HTML File

This HTML file is "hard coded" and not created dynamically. This makes printing the file easier. (No extra "stuff" printed, missing files not a problem, etc.)